Easy Portuguese-Style Fish Stew

Using a few seasonal ingredients you can whip this healthy meal at home . This recipe and can be tweaked to reflect your tastes. If you like spicy food, consider passing crushed red pepper flakes at the table. Serve with a good crusty artisan bread (Loaf Bakery) and...

Paper Making Class with Susanne Martin

Learn to make paper by hand with Susanne Martin! In her two day workshop (Saturday August 24th, 2-6 and Sunday August 25th, 1-6), you will be making white cotton sheets of paper, blue jean paper, and Farmers Market paper from a plant fiber passed on to Susanne by one...

Infused Vinegars and Marinated Tomatoes

Recently at a GFCM marketing meeting Carol Pryor of Birch Fork Farm brought marinated tomatoes that were so good we all had seconds and thirds. She was kind enough to share this simple seasonal recipe with us. If you’re at the market stop by her booth and ask...

Local Art Classes with our own Susanne Martin!

Ever wonder what marbles have to do with watercolor marbling?  Take Susanne Martin’s weekend class and find out!  You will learn the traditional techniques of watercolor marbling as it has been done through the centuries and leave with a stack of beautiful...