Greensboro Farmers Market Inc. announces a call for area chefs and educators as part of a dynamic new local foods promotion initiative at the market. The market is seeking chefs and food enthusiasts with experience in demonstrations, tastings and healthy eating workshops to be scheduled at the market on Wednesday and Saturday mornings.
The demonstrations and classes will be held in the recently established and up-fitted Market’s Harvest Learning Cafe, a 900 square foot kitchen area and a new classroom adjacent to the market. The space is devoted to increasing the public’s awareness and consumption of local foods through cooking demonstrations, tastings and food-related educational workshops. A modest stipend will be provided.
Ideal guest presenters possess these attributes:
- Strong background nutrition, dietetics, food safety, food preparation and/or food demonstration/preparation classes.
- Comfortable in a demonstration kitchen, cooking with seasonal and local ingredients
- Comfortable interacting with large crowds, answering questions and demonstrating food preparation
- Excellent written and oral communication skills
- Aware of local, state and federal health and sanitation laws, ie Serv Safe or Safe Plate certified
- Understand basic techniques and be able to demonstrate proper usage of kitchen equipment, like knives, blenders, mixers, electric burners, etc.
Interested applicants will be asked to complete an interest survey HERE:
For additional questions, please contact Local Business Coordinator Angie Johnson at