by Market Staff | Jul 20, 2018 | News, Saturday Vendor, Vendor Profile, Wednesday Vendor
Meet Your Vendor: Massey Creek Farm Farm life can seem rewarding and daunting for those who’ve never lived it. Think about the days and nights. Think about having 2500 chickens plus sheep and pigs as your daily responsibility. Daunting comes to mind before...
by Market Staff | Nov 28, 2015 | News, Vendor Profile, Wednesday Vendor
Larry Smith, Third Generation Market Vendor, and Kim Smith Kirkland, Fourth Generation Market Vendor. Larry Smith’s smiling face has been a welcoming fixture in the Market for many years. His daughter Kim Kirkman joined him over ten years ago and now works and...
by Market Staff | Jul 27, 2016 | Saturday Vendor, Vendor Profile, Wednesday Vendor
Meet Your Vendor: Smith Century Farm & NC Fresh Seafood Occasionally, we meet someone who is surprised a Curb Market vendor offers seafood. Sometimes that someone is a regular Market customer who somehow missed George Smith on aisle A at tables 6 and 7. This Smith...
by Market Staff | Mar 30, 2016 | Vendor Profile, Wednesday Vendor
Meet Your Vendor: Zaytoons Rich and varied backgrounds bring energy and interest to our city. With 117 languages representing 70 countries in our schools, restaurants that no longer seem exotic and different sounds and faces in our community, Greensboro can almost...
by Market Staff | Mar 30, 2016 | Saturday Vendor, Vendor Profile, Wednesday Vendor
Meet Your Vendor: Mindenhill Farms Larry Smith’s smiling face has been a welcoming fixture in the Market for many years. His daughter Kim Kirkman joined him over ten years ago and now works and sells and smiles by his side. Larry’s grandmother sold at Market when it...